Monthly Archives: July 2010

Clichés of life


I look around me and I’m disappointed. I’m disappointed in people giving up their desires, their dreams, ambitions and expectations, their principles at the first sign of hardship, without even trying. Individuals rejecting what their inner voice is guiding them to do because it’s too vague. If it’s art, it’s too vague; if it doesn’t bring guaranteed money, it’s too vague; if it doesn’t bring lots of money, it’s too vague. Vague and impractical. And the ‘if’ sequence go on. As if guaranteed money isn’t a vague concept. Do something practical because you have to do it. No, you do not unless it’s a case of sever necessity, of survival. I agree with fighting for your dream house, car and annual holidays but why call others obstinate only because their goals differ? And the other way around.  Problems and questions, almost as old as humanity, taking different shades in different sketches. Being open-minded does not mean you agree with everyone and everything, it means you respect others’ opinions and do not push them away only because you see certain things under a different lamp light. Red has shades so does blue and every other colour. It angers me to see friends rotting inside because they are blind. And it angers me to see yet get thrown of the road.

So I say: for me it’s literature, ice-cream and rock’n’roll. What do you say? What is it for you?